Sunday, April 06, 2008

Boggs 3

Saturday the folks at Bike Monkey Put on the third annual 8 hour race at the Boggs Demonstration Forest. About 400 people showed up in teams and Solo categories. The Course was a really sweet 9.2 Mile loop with about 1200 feet of climbing per lap. A mix of soft pine needle buff single track and rocky technical stuff with plenty of tight twisty descents.

Carlos Perez, is the man running the show and he he outdid himself just as he has at all of the lake sonoma races. Lots of really cool people, great food and beer afterwards and an awesome system for posting real time results in between laps.

E did a great job leting me know where I was at in between laps, I finished 5th in expert, with 8 Laps.

It was a rough race day, i had some knee trouble and after lap 6 I had to stand on all of the climbs, which wasn't a big deal since I am used to doing these races on my single speed. I finished lap 8 with 52 minutes remaining. The rules stated that you had to finsh the lap at this time, not just go out. My knee was toast and my previous lap was about an hour long so I figured it would be good to call it a day and save the knee.

I lost my Garmin Edge 305 during the race, it flew off my bars. I knew where it happend but I wasn't turning back. Bike people are so cool and it turns out it ended up back in Carlo s's hands.

This was also my first race drinking Gu20 instead of HEED, i was digging it, or at least i wasn't completely sick after getting bounced around all day.

I got lots of complements on the Mamasita, everyone dug the Paint job, one woman was sitting on the side of the trail during my last lap and Yelled "Is that a 29er?" she was pumped....Salsa has that effect on woman.


Matt said...

Congrats on the 5th - that's a great job. Looks like you're getting some good riding in out there!


Jason said...

Nice going! Post race beer is ALWAYS a goo thing.

a said...

way to go, still pondering funding options for the sierras.

rick is! said...

pretty sweet someone returned your garmin. I worry about that with mine. thankfully I haven't had to find out yet.

huber said...

Ride and Smile bro!